Below is a listing of all of the Pritzker School of Medicine’s student organizations. For questions about funding or administering a student organization, please visit the Dean’s Council page. For a listing of student organization events, please visit our Calendar of Events.
The mission of American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) Medical Student Chapter is to provide early support and leadership training to medical students exploring a career in neurosurgery. AANS Medical Student Chapters will provide a forum for students to organize professional, educational, and research activities within individual programs, promote mentorship, and facilitate participating at a national level for the next generation of neurosurgical leaders.
Contacts: Julianna Kenny-Serrano and Sofia Mazuera
Faculty Advisor: Paramita, Das, MD, MS, Department of Surgery
To introduce and expose 1st and 2nd year medical students to Anesthesiology, and to create a student network and provide mentoring for those pursuing Anesthesiology.
Contacts: Aubrianna Ramsland and Edgard Mercado Arzuaga
Faculty Advisor: Caroline Thomas MD, Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care and Allison Dalton MD, Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care
The University of Chicago Asian Pacific American Medical Students Association (APAMSA) seeks to promote health for all Asian and Pacific Islander communities and individuals through community action and health education.
Contacts: Alex Chen and Joey Hua-Phan
Faculty Advisor: Sandy Tun, MD, Department of Medicine and Jonathan Lio, MD, Department of Medicine
The Pritzker Basic Life Support (BLS) Program offers a required training program to ensure all medical students are proficient in BLS skills.
Contact: Yena Woo and Lewis Oh
Advisor: Neal Hluska, Resuscitation Course Manager/Technical Specialist
To organize group bike rides to various brunch spots around Chicago, and provide practical bike maintenance training to medical students.
Contact: Daniel Chambers and Keziah Diego
Faculty Advisor: David Beiser, MD, Emergency Medicine
Our mission is to help prepare healthcare professionals to face the ethical challenges present in healthcare by providing opportunities for bioethical discourse and stimulating thoughtfulness on navigating the world as future clinicians and scientists.
Contact: Ishaan Kumar and Caleb Diaz
Faculty Advisor: Andrew Aronsohn, MD, Hepatology, Gastroenterology
Board Certified aims to foster social connections among Pritzker students within and across class years by hosting and facilitating board (and card) game nights.
Contact: Andy Travis and Jillian Llamas
Faculty Advisor: Wei Wei Lee, MD, MPH, Department of Medicine
The mission of the Bridgeport Free Clinic (BFC) is to make healthcare more accessible for underserved residents of the Bridgeport community, with a focus on the Asian and Asian-American population. The clinic focuses on screening and urgent care for conditions that affect Asian patients more commonly, including hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, Hepatitis B, liver disease, and smoking. In addition, the clinic helps enroll patients in insurance plans through navigators for the Affordable Care Act, and refers patients to nearby Federally Qualified Health Centers for comprehensive primary care services. Interpretive services in Cantonese, Mandarin, and Spanish are available for all clinic patients.
Contact: Rachael Kang and Hugh Yeh
Faculty Advisor: Jonathan Lio MD, Department of Medicine and John Yoon MD, Department of Medicine
The Bucksbaum Interest Group (BIG) is focused on creating opportunities for students to participate in Bucksbaum-Siegler Institute programs in order to foster greater understanding of the doctor-patient relationship. BIG will bring medical students in closer contact with the hundreds of Junior and Senior Bucksbaum-Siegler Institute Faculty Scholars for mentoring, research and educational opportunities that elevate interest and promote improvements in the relationship patients have with their physician.
The Bucksbaum-Siegler Institute for Clinical Excellence was created to improve patient care, to strengthen the doctor-patient relationship, to enhance communication and decision-making through research and education programs for medical students, junior faculty and master clinicians, and to reduce healthcare disparities.
Recognizing broader student interest in the Bucksbaum-Siegler Institute, outside of the Bucksbaum-Siegler medical student scholars, BIG will provide a forum for the Bucksbaum-Siegler Institute Student Scholars to engage the Pritzker student body in the Bucksbaum-Siegler Institute mission.
Contact: Khari Derrick, Andy Travis, Jai Daniels, and Keianna Moyer
Faculty Advisor: Mark Siegler, MD, Department of Medicine
Chicago Street Medicine aims to improve the health and well-being of people who are experiencing unsheltered homelessness. Our approach is two-fold: first, we go on street runs, providing basic medical care, resources, and connections to social services; and second, we conduct research on and work to educate the community about issues that disproportionately affect the health of the homeless.
Contact: Andrew Travis and Julianna Kenny-Serrano
Faculty Advisor: George Weyer, MD, Department of Medicine
Our mission is to foster collaboration among medical student-run free clinics across Chicagoland to enhance the quality of care for our patients by promoting best practices, sharing resources, and building community. The Chicagoland Free Clinics Consortium (CFCC) was founded to establish collaboration across student run free clinics to better serve uninsured and underinsured communities in the city. The CFCC is a network of the 15+ Chicago area Student-Run Free Clinics from 6 Chicagoland medical schools: Northwestern, Rosalind Franklin, Loyola, UIC, Rush, and UChicago. Our programming teaches students about clinical care in the limited resource setting as well as patient education, quality improvement, and leadership skills. Each year we host an annual conference, sponsor a series of thematic workshops, and fund innovative projects carried out by students. Through this work we empower students to serve as leaders in education and service, collaborating across institutional boundaries and serving under-resourced communities in Chicago.
Contact: Simon Han and Sen Kalidoss
Faculty Advisor: James Woodruff MD, Department of Medicine and Wei Wei Lee MD, Department of Medicine
To provide patients at the clinic with high quality care and to ensure positive learning experiences for students and teaching experiences for residents and attendings. We also strive to work with the CommunityHealth administration to improve UofC’s clinic. This past year, we were part of CH’s successful implementation of a new electronic medical record system and transition to a continuity-model of care, including assuming responsibility for reviewing patient labs. We successfully increased physician recruitment and decreased patient wait times. This year, we hope to increase student and attending proficiency with EMR, further increase physician recruitment, and establish a streamlined approach to using the system that further cuts patient wait times. In addition, all new board members are setting individual goals in their committee areas (e.g., fund raising or education).
Contacts: Ximena Garibay and Edgard Mercado Arzuaga
Faculty Advisor: William Parker, MD, Department of Medicine Section of Pulmonary
We want to educate fellow students at Pritzker of the opportunities and benefits of the field of Dermatology. This includes the research and clinical opportunities, how to get into the field, and provide access to Dermatologists. We hope to bring in fourth years, residents, interns and Dermatologists to explain what Dermatology is and if it is a good fit for the student.
Contact: Charity Russell and Ximena Garibay
Faculty Advisor: Angad Chadha, MD, Department of Medicine
The Emergency Medicine Interest Group (EMIG) seeks to spread information among students interested in the field of emergency medicine. We organize procedure workshops and simulation experiences as well as lectures by and discussions with EM physicians. In addition, we encourage students to take advantage of shadowing opportunities in the Mitchell ER.
Contacts: Daniel Chambers and Danielle Trejo
Faculty Advisor: Emily Wilkins Jameyfield MD, Department of Emergency Medicine Keme Carter MD, Department of Emergency Medicine, and Alejandro Palma MD, Department of Emergency Medicine
The ENT interest group serves to introduce Pritzker students to the medical specialty of Otolaryngology or Ear Nose and Throat (ENT). We strive to expose students to the specialty through events and networking opportunities with the ENT faculty here at UChicago.
To learn more click here:
Contacts: David Nwankwo and Ananya Eeraveni
Faculty Advisor: Fuad Baroody, MD, Department of Medicine
The mission of the Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) is to foster the interests in Family Medicine among the students in the Pritzker School of Medicine. The FMIG introduces the spirit of family medicine to Pritzker students by hosting guest speakers, offering procedure clinics directed to medical students, and sponsoring students to attend the national FMIG conferences.
Contacts: Keianna Moyer
Faculty Advisor: Sonia Oyola, MD, Department of Family Medicine
We partner with the Greater Chicago Food Depository to supply food to patients and their families at the University of Chicago Medicine through 11 open-access food pantries across the medical campus.
Contact: Megan Teramoto
Faculty Advisor: Stacy Tessler Lindau, MD, MA Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
FLIMed is a student organization that aims to provide social and financial support for Pritzker medical students who come from low-income and/or first-generation backgrounds. Our goal is to create a space where community and mentorship are fueled by the shared experiences of students who face similar hardships due to their socioeconomic backgrounds. We hope to promote socioeconomic diversification at Pritzker.
Contact: Joseph Hua-Phan and Manuel Patino
Faculty Advisor: Maylyn Martinez MD, Department of Medicine and Wei Wei Lee MD, Department of Medicine
The purpose of this organization is to provide Pritzker students interested in geriatrics with opportunities to learn more about the field and explore career options. This includes connecting students with geriatrics faculty and sharing information related to the care of elderly populations.
Contacts: Jai Daniels and Jorge Arias
Faculty Advisor: Tia Kostas, MD, Department of Family Medicine
The purpose of this organization shall be to provide undergraduate and medical students an opportunity to serve as mentors and friends to minority high school students who are underrepresented in medicine. The definition of minorities who are underrepresented in medicine as defined by the American Association of Medical Colleges is: ‘Underrepresented in medicine means those racial and ethnic populations that are underrepresented in the medical profession relative to their numbers in the general population.’ These high school students come from high schools throughout the area to the University of Chicago campus once a month where they participate in a variety of lectures, discussions, and hands-on activities with the goal of giving insight into the life as a health professional as well as an opportunity to connect with medical students and physicians.
Contacts: Justin Banks
Faculty Advisor: Abdullah Pratt, MD, Department of Medicine
The Hocus POCUS (Point-of-Care Ultrasound) interest group aims to provide opportunities for education in point-of-care ultrasound for Pritzker students in order to promote better understanding of its utility in visualizing human anatomy and physiology. We hope to provide exposure to the field of ultrasound for use as a resource during clinical training through hands-on workshops and lectures.
Contact: Michelle Du
Faculty Advisors: Christopher Harris MD, Department of Emergency Medicine
The goals are to harness interest in Internal Medicine amongst medical students at Pritzker, promote the field, and facilitate interactions between interested students and faculty within internal medicine and sub-specialties.
Contacts: Andy Travis and Srijani Sengupta
Faculty Advisor: Shannon Martin, MD, Department of Medicine
We aim to increase awareness and understanding of health disparities and inequities for communities affected by incarceration. We will provide students opportunities to engage with clinicians and communities involved in Cook County Jail and CCHHS. We want to provide opportunities for medical students and the UCM community to further engage with discussions surrounding police and prison abolition and our role as healthcare professionals in interrogating and dismantling the carceral system.
Contact: Reagan Dunham and Ashley Gordon
Faculty Advisor: John Schneider, MD, Department of Medicine
The purpose of Knitzker Group is to provide medical students with a space and community to de-stress from schoolwork as well as learn a relaxing, practical and tactile skill together. Members will knit projects together, learning various yarn work skills, and, hopefully try to reach out to the University community and hospital communities.
Contacts: Amrita Rehal
Faculty Advisor: Keme Carter MD, Department of Emergency Medicine
We are a community founded to represent, support, and unify Latino(a) medical students. We are dedicated to increasing the ranks of underrepresented minority medical students and faculty, serving underserved communities, and creating an environment conducive to the extraordinary success of Latino medical students here at Prtizker. Visit our Facebook page at
Contact: Sofia Lombana and Isidro Pedroza
Faculty Advisor: Sonia Oyola, MD, Department of Family Medicine & Marco Bonilla, MD, Department of Medicine
The mission of the University of Chicago Maria Shelter Health Clinic is to provide superior health care in a compassionate manner, ever mindful of each patient’s dignity and individuality. To accomplish our mission, we call upon the skills and expertise of all who work together to advance medical innovation, serve the health needs of the community and further the knowledge of those dedicated to caring.
Contacts: Tess Brunner and Molly Boll
Faculty Advisor: Andy Davis, MD, MPH, Department of Medicine and Sonia Oyola MD, Department of Family Medicine
Medical Students for Choice (MSFC) is dedicated to ensuring that women receive the full range of reproductive health care choices. MSFC recognizes that one of the greatest obstacles to safe and legal abortion is the absence of trained providers. We work to educate our classmates on reproductive health issues, keep them up to date on relevant current events, and maintain a supportive environment with the hope of creating future generations of abortion providers and pro-choice physicians.
Contact: Keianna Moyer and Grace Croley
Faculty Advisor: Hillary McLaren MD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
To engage/connect members of the Pritzker community who self-identify with MENA or Central Asian ancestry/culture. This group also serves to introduce non-affiliated students to some MENA(CA) culture.
Contacts: Artin Asadipooya and Anthony Tarakji
Faculty Advisor: Fuad Baroudy, MD, Department of Surgery
On a Mission for Nutrition is an organization that was formed to address the obesity disparity on the South Side of Chicago. Born out of a project emanating from the Health Care Disparities in America course at Pritzker, On a Mission for Nutrition is an after-school program that educates students on nutrition and empowers them to make healthy choices. The goal is to promote the health of our community but also to learn about the importance of public health.
Contact: Ria Sood and Amrita Rehal
Faculty Advisor: Geeta Maker-Clark, MD
Narrative medicine is a framework that centers patients’ stories of their lived and healthcare-related experiences. Narrative Medicine at Pritzker (NMAP) aims to provide a space for students to engage in discourse and reflection about their ongoing medical education and clinical experiences through a people- and humanities-oriented lens. In doing so, NMAP’s primary goals are to foster community, practice empathic engagement, and equip students with emotional tools that may aid or prevent burnout.
Contact: Alec Jacobson and Thomas Statchen
Faculty Advisor: Sandy Tun, MD, Geriatric and Palliative Medicine
The mission of the OB/GYN Interest Group is to increase the exposer of Pritzker School of Medicine students to the field and sub-specialties within the field of obstetrics and gynecology. Moreover, the opportunity to gain relevant skills will be afforded to all interested students. Secondarily, the organization will provide the opportunity for Pritzker students to network with faculty and potential mentors in the field.
Contact: Molly Boll and Elena Zhang
Faculty Advisor: Lindsey Eastman MD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
The Oncology Interest Group (OIG) aims to support student interest in oncology, increase awareness of career options (e.g. medical oncology, surgical oncology, radiation oncology, hematology oncology, etc.), and expose students to research opportunities, current best practices, and the latest innovations in the field. The group would also serve to connect students with this common interest in oncology – across all class years – and facilitate opportunities for collaboration. Furthermore, the organization, its associated faculty, and students who have begun clinical training would support preclinical students in career advising prior to formalized career advising.
Contacts: Isaiah Boateng and Alexander Chen
Faculty Advisor: Ardaman Shergill MD, Department of Hematology and Oncology
The Ophthalmology Interest Group intends to do the following at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine:
- Help students learn more about the various fields within ophthalmology.
- Provide opportunities for students to meet and interact with ophthalmology residents and faculty.
- Help students learn about an ophthalmology residency and the residency application process.
- Provide opportunities for students to participate in ophthalmology.
Contact: Drew Adamek and Rishi Sharma
Faculty Advisor: Asim Farooq, MD, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science
The Orthopedic Surgery Interest Group (OSIG) aims to introduce Pritzker students to the medical specialty and subspecialties of Orthopedic Surgery, to support all interest levels through a range of inclusive academic, social, and skill-building events, and to aid in volunteerism efforts toward early career exposure for underrepresented groups in Ortho. We additionally strive to help students to further explore and develop their interests in the field through facilitating longitudinal shadowing and research opportunities for interested students. We hope that this will help dispel many misconceptions and provide a true sense of Orthopedics, drawing a diverse group of students to the field.
Contact: Arnaaz Khwaja
Faculty Advisor: Laura Lewallen MD, Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Rehabilitation Medicine
The Medical Student Pride Alliance (MSPA) is a group for LGBTQ+ advocacy, community, and professional development at Pritzker. We host events for students to meet one another, facilitate clinical opportunities working with queer patients in the city, and connect students with LGBTQ+ faculty mentors to foster a sense of belonging in the medical community.
Contact: John Krause and Aubrianna Ramsland
Faculty Advisor: Aniruddha Hazra, MD, Department of Medicine and Alejandro Palma, MD, Department of Emergency Medicine
Partners in Health Engage aims to build the right-to-health movement by recruiting and empowering teams of dedicated student advocates. In pursuit of global health equity, we drive campaigns that generate resources to fund high-quality healthcare for people living in poverty, foster public discourse and education, and advocate for policies that advance the human right to healthcare worldwide. We are an inclusive global health and social justice organization dedicated to using our capacities as organizers, students, and professionals to connect the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need of them.
Contact: Imran Khan
Faculty Advisor: Nicholas G. Ludmer, MD, Emergency Medicine
The Pediatrics Interest Group shall have a three-fold mission. First, to kindle an interest in the field of pediatric medicine. Second, to serve the children of the South side of Chicago in service projects and education. Third, to aid students interested in pediatrics in the furthering of their ambitions.
Contact: Michelle Du and Mahima Sinha
Faculty Advisor: Lolita Alkureishi, MD, Department of Pediatrics and Poj Lysouvakon, MD, Department of Pediatrics
PMAP is a student organization that aims to facilitate interaction between senior students and lowerclassmen with the goal of providing mentorship from students with similar interests and advanced experiences.
Contact: Meredith Hollender, Tiffnay Xie, Stephanie Cardenas, and Riley Driscoll
Faculty Advisor: Wei Wei Lee, MD, Department of Medicine
Physicians are one of the sources of care for survivors of sexual assault. The Physician Advocates for Survivors of Sexual Assault is dedicated to advocating for survivors of sexual assault and educating Pritzker students about how physicians use trauma-informed care to heal the biological and psychological effects of sexual assault.
Contact: Isiah Boateng and Charity Russell
Faculty Advisor: Sonia Oyola, MD, Department of Family Medicine
The Plastic Surgery Interest Group exposes Pritzker students to the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery and gives them the opportunity to shadow within the department at UChicago.
Contact: Beryl Zhou and Aubrianna Ramsland
Faculty Advisor: Sebastian Vrouwe, MD, Department of Surgery
Pritzecco aims to bring Pritzker students together over an enthusiasm for wine and winemaking.
Contact: Caleb Diaz and Kyra McGee
Faculty Advisor: Nicole Cipriani, MD, Department of Pathology
Pritzker Alliance on Disability (PAD) is dedicated to advocacy, education and community building at the intersection of disability and medicine. Specifically, PAD aims to1) to advocate for a medical field that is inclusive to care providers with disabilities and chronic illnesses, 2) to empower people with disabilities and chronic illnesses to pursue careers in the field of medicine, and 3) to educate future healthcare workers on the experience of people living with disabilities and chronic illnesses, emphasizing the dignity, agency and individuality of each person's experience.
Contact: Dayna Pham and Cynthia Zhang
Faculty Advisor: Kamala Cotts, MD, Department of Medicine
The mission of the Pritzker Barbell Club is to create an inclusive environment for Pritzker students to learn about and engage with different aspects of strength training and barbell lifting (i.e. powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, and bodybuilding) while forming a community dedicated to improving physical and mental health and wellness.
Contact: Patrick Sun and Arnaaz Khwaja
Faculty Advisor: Alejandro Palma, MD, Department of Emergency Medicine
To provide students with the context for collaborative learning through literature and discussion. We hope to reconnect our peers with the humanities and human experiences that can be attained through appreciation of literature. Our overarching goal is to inspire students to become lifelong readers, even as begin our busy lives in medicine.
Contact: Lauren Sun and Jillian Llamas
Faculty Advisor: Wei Wei Lee, MD, MPH, Department of Medicine
The Pritzker Christian Fellowship (PCF) is a nondenominational Christian fellowship in which medical students, physicians, and faculty can gather together to explore how their faith relates to medicine. We seek to live faith-based lives in the medical profession, doing God’s will and witnessing for Him.
Contacts: Jai Daniels and Jorge Arias
Faculty Advisor: John Yoon, MD, Department of Medicine and Julie Oyler, MD, Professor of Medicine
Doctors for America at Pritzker aims to close the gap between clinical medicine and public health advocacy by empowering medical students and physicians to move the needle on key political, social, and economic issues that impact the health of our patients, communities, and city.
Contacts: Dayna Pham and Jillian Llamas
Faculty Advisor: Ram Krishnamoorthi, MD, MPH, Department of Medicine
The Pritzker Health Policy Interest Group provides an agenda-free forum for medical students interested in health policy. By connecting Pritzker students with the expertise, resources, and events related to health policy across the university, we seek to engage the Pritzker community with ongoing policy discussions and inform the next generation of physicians on how policy will impact their careers and practice. We are open to any and all viewpoints, and seek to engage students in evidence-based, rigorous discussions of existing and potential policy initiatives that impact medicine.
Contacts: Amrita Rehal and Jeffrey Blibo
Faculty Advisor: Ram Krishnamoorthi, MD, MPH, Department of Medicine
To maintain a welcoming environment for Pritzker medical students interested in learning more about Islam, conducting outreach to the medical community regarding issue that are unique to caring for the Muslim population in the U.S., and provide resources for Muslim students at Pritzker.
Contacts: Zaynab Al-Rashed and Yusuf Noffel
Faculty Advisor: Ayman Al-Hendy, MD, PhD, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Provide social and wellness opportunities for students by connecting them with recreational outdoor opportunities and experiences. Regularly organize hiking, camping, backpacking, climbing, and other outdoor adventure activities for students to participate in as a means to connect with each other and their natural environment. Incorporate opportunities for students to become involved in other aspects of the outdoors, such as wilderness medicine, community service events (e.g. lake front cleanups), and research opportunities (e.g. bringing speakers who are involved in environmental impacts on health).
Contacts: Shai Smith and Raj Shetty
Faculty Advisor: Wei Wei Lee, MD, MPH, Department of Medicine
The mission of Pritzker Sports MedCEEP is to connect Pritzker students with opportunities to
serve local South Side youth sports programs. We will partner with Dr. Abdullah Hasan Pratt’s
Medical Careers Exposure and Emergency Preparedness (MedCEEP) program to:
- Provide free sports physicals to high school athletes
- Assist attendings and residents with medical coverage of high school sporting events
- Teach local coaches and student athletes about relevant health topics, including concussions, heat strokes, asthma attacks, allergic reactions, nutrition, mental health, and more.
Contact: Megan Teramoto and Aakriti Mathur
Faculty Advisor: Abdullah Pratt, MD, Department of Emergency Medicine
Our purpose as an organization is foster community among students interested in photography, give members the opportunity to express themselves and improve their photography skills, and empower students at the Pritzker School of Medicine to explore the diverse neighborhoods of Chicago area.
Contact: Daniel Chambers and Nikita Dulin
Faculty Advisor: Sonia Oyola, DO, Department of Medicine
Pritzker Women in Medicine (WiM) is a group of Pritzker students interested in learning more about leadership opportunities and professional equality for femme-identifying physicians. WiM promotes more direct women-to-women mentoring and professional development driven by and designed for femme-identifying medical students. Additionally, we co-host other workshops and speakers on women’s rights and the experiences of women in medical school.
Contact: Rachael Kang and Ria Sood
Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Rusiecki MD, Department of Medicine and Julie Oyler MD, Professor of Medicine
The mission of the organization is to cultivate student interest in the field of psychiatry, and to raise awareness about mental health issues to the wider Pritzker student body.
Contacts: Shai Smith
Faculty Advisor: Dustin Eshan MD, Department of Psychiatry
The Pritzker Radiology Interest Group serves as a forum where students interested in radiological imaging and/or a career in radiology can meet with radiologists from the University of Chicago Medicine to learn more about this dynamic field. Ultimately, we hope to remove, or at least alleviate, the worries that many students have when called upon to examine and understand X-rays, CTs, MRIs, etc., and instead promote further curiosity in these critical areas of physical diagnosis.
Contact: Michael Mansour and Nikita Dulin
Faculty Advisor: Christopher Straus, MD, Department of Radiology
Nationally, Reach Out and Read partners with doctors to prescribe books and encourage families to read together, serving as a catalyst for healthy childhood development. The University of Chicago chapter carries out this mission in the local South Side community at Comer Children’s Hospital and the federally-qualified Friend Family Health Center by helping provide developmentally appropriate books to each pediatric patient between the ages of 0 and 5 at every well-child visit.
Contact: Grace Croley and Mahima Sinha
Faculty Advisor: Niru Mahidhara, Department of Pediatrics
We are a medical student organization at the Pritzker School of Medicine dedicated to relieving the health disparities of developing countries. We annually plan a service trip to an international and underserved location to provide needed medical services. We also raise money throughout the year to make a generous donation to the non-profit organization with whom we partner. In doing so we experience and witness the health disparities in these countries, understand these issues in order to ultimately become health advocates by educating our community.
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Contact: Gisely Torres and Andrew Adamek
Faculty Advisor: Brian Callender, MD, and Sonia Oyola, MD, Department of Medicine
The Seva clinic is a weekly free clinic in Chicago’s Rogers Park neighborhood that aims to provide accessible healthcare to many underserved residents of the community. The clinic is hosted by Pritzker students in partnership with Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine and the Indian American Medical Association Charitable Foundation (IAMACF). The clinic is located at the IAMACF’s clinic site at 2645 W Peterson Ave, Chicago IL 60659, and is held every Friday evening from 5-8:30pm.
The clinic is focused on serving the South Asian immigrant and refugee community, and is currently developing culturally competent outreach programs to address issues such as the mental health inequities and stigma. In addition to providing primary care, the clinic offers basic laboratory services, blood pressure monitors, and has an in-house pharmacy.
IAMACF Website:
Contact: Ria Sood and Rishi Sharma
Faculty Advisor: Arti Tewari, MD, Department of Hospital Medicine
The mission of SHARE is to provide adolescents in our community accurate and unbiased information about sexual and reproductive health in order to empower them to make healthy and responsible choices for themselves. Sexual education in the public schools around the University of Chicago currently receives limited attention because of budget and time constraints. Alumna Sarah Kennedy (MD ’18) identified this need as part of her Healthcare Disparities project and in the 2017-2018 school year, she piloted SHARE as a 4-session teaching program at Carter G. Woodson Middle School. She received a lot of positive feedback from the students, the school administrators, and Pritzker volunteers. In light of this success, and in the potential that this program has for fostering relationships between Pritzker and our South Side community, we are seeking to register SHARE as an official Pritzker organization with the hope of creating a sustainable health outreach and service program.
Contact: Nikita Dulin
Faculty Advisor: Anna Volerman Beaser, MD, Department of Medicine & Pediatrics
Our mission is understanding the social responsibility as a core value of surgical practice and surgery as an essential component of healthcare. This student group aims to identify opportunities for leadership, research, and collaboration with the UChicago surgeons and surgeons nationally and abroad who are committed to surgical equity. The Pritzker SRS works closely with the UChicago resident SRS group to engineer solutions to surgically related challenges within our community. The UChicago Pritzker SRS chapter is part of the larger Socially Responsible Surgery organization which fights for “surgical equity through advocacy, education, research and service.
Contact: Cynthia Zhang and Ashley Russell
Faculty Advisor: Ryan Boudreau MD, Department of Surgery
The National AAPI Medical Student and Resident Section represents over 10,000 students across the country. AAPI is a national organization that focuses on promoting the professional, political, and social goals of American medical and dental students, residents, and fellows of Indian heritage. The association is recognized nationally and internationally as leaders in health care striving to provide a diverse forum for scientific, educational, cultural, charitable, and political interaction among its members. Our chapter provides a channel of networking, support, and open communication among our members nationally and between local chapters. Most importantly, our group is focused on charity care and volunteering in India.
Contacts: Amrita Rehal and Rishi Sharma
Faculty Advisor: Aliya N. Husain, MD, Department of Pathology
The mission of the Southside Free Clinic (SSFC) is to provide high quality medical care to people living in the South Side of Chicago, with a focus on addressing the health needs of the black adult population. SSFC was born out of a partnership between the Pritzker School of Medicine’s chapter of the Student National Medical Association, University of Chicago Medicine, and Project H.O.O.D., a non-profit organization with an extensive history of working to reduce poverty, violence, and incarceration in Woodlawn and Englewood since 2011.
Contact: Jacob Brooks and Keianna Moyer
Faculty Advisors: Sonia Oyola MD, Department of Family Medicine and David Hampton MD, Department of Surgery
The South Side Science Scholars group is committed to creating and delivering a sustainable weekly afterschool science program to under-served Chicago grade schools, particularly those of the South Side. We aspire to positively impact children's scientific thinking, elements of health education, communication skills, and enthusiasm for science.
Dulles School Of Excellence (4-Year Program)
Contacts: Kyra McGee
Faculty Advisor: Alejandro Plana MD, Department of Medicine
Sherman School of Excellence (1-Year Program)
Contacts: Olivia Madalone and Rishab Bhatt
Faculty Advisor: Wendy Darlington MD, Department of Pediatric Hematology & Oncology
- To make medical students aware of opportunities available in the field of Neurology and Neurosurgery.
- To further neurologic knowledge of medical students.
- To provide opportunities for medical students to participate in activities related to field of Neurology and Neurological Surgery, for example, presentations by physicians, patient presentations, seminars, journal/book club meetings, shadowing of Neurologists/Neurosurgeons, or school visits to share information about neurology with kids.
- To disseminate information about scholarship opportunities offered by AAN (American Academy of Neurology) and AANS (American Academy of Neurological Surgeons).
Contact: Sofia Mazuera and Brian Sohn
Faculty Advisor: Veronica Cipriani, MD, Department of Neurology
The University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine Chapter of the Student National Medical Association (Pritzker-SNMA) is committed to academic excellence, student recruitment and mentoring of underrepresented minorities, and community service.
Contact: Kyra McGee and Charles Igwe
Faculty Advisor: Abdullah Pratt MD, Department of Emergency Medicine and Kortnee Roberson Cooper MD, Department of Family Medicine
STAT will coordinate, organize, and support an ongoing transplant pager program to allow Pritzker students the opportunity to shadow transplantations at UCM and procurements at both UCM and outside medical institutions. Pritzker STAT will strive to have each student in the program attend at least 3 procurements/transplants over a 12-month period. Ultimately, Pritzker STAT aims to enhance the medical education of and better prepare its participants for futures in surgical fields.
Contact: Daniel Correa Bucio and Grace Croley
Faculty Advisor: Piotr Witkowski, MD, Department of Surgery
Students for a National Health Program (SNaHP) is the student arm of Physicians for a National Health Program (PHNP). Our mission is to serve the Pritzker community through education, training, and advocacy efforts toward the goal of a comprehensive, high-quality, publicly-funded healthcare system. We oppose for-profit control–especially corporate control–of the healthcare system in favor of a democratic, publicly administered, and single-payer financed system. In addition to our efforts around single-payer, we hope to serve as a center for medical students interested in engaging with the multitude of political issues affecting the lives of our patients in a progressive manner.
Contact: Reagan Dunham and Ashley Gordon
Faculty Advisor: Ram Krishnamoorthi, MD, Department of Hospital Medicine
The Medical Spanish Committee aims to work towards building Pritzker’s next generation of medical professionals dedicated to providing language-concordant care in Spanish and improving health outcomes for our nation’s growing Spanish-speaking population. We are committed to offering longitudinal support for students to more formally develop their medical Spanish and clinical skills.
Contact: Manuel Patino and Gisely Torres
Faculty Advisor: Sonia Oyola MD, Department of Family Medicine
The surgery interest group seeks to expose medical students to aspects of surgery in a variety of subspecialties. Doing this, we hope to provide students with a better understanding of what a career in surgery entails as well as to instruct students with basic skills such as suturing.
Contact: Daniel Correa Bucio and Patrick Wang
Faculty Advisor: Priya Prakash MD, Department of Surgery
The mission of the Trauma Surgery Interest Group is to expose Pritzker students to the field of Trauma Surgery. In addition, one of the aims of the interest group would be to provide students with the opportunity to engage with and learn more about trauma center’s mission of partnering with the community to address the root causes of violence and trauma. This goal could be accomplished through shadowing, research opportunities, and volunteering.
Contact: Rachel TerHaar and Vivianna Camarillo Guenther
Faculty Advisor: Kenneth Wilson, MD, Department of Surgery
The Urology Interest Group (UIG) seeks to provide medical students with early exposure to the field of urology through educational, social, and community outreach programs with University of Chicago Urology attendings and residents. We strive to support students interested in urology by hosting workshops and panel discussions, facilitating mentorship and shadowing experiences, encouraging student participation in research and clinical opportunities, and providing support for students interested in attending meetings, conferences, and participation at a national level.
Contact: Jorge Arias
Faculty Advisor: Luke Reynold, MD, Department of Surgery
"Walk with a Future Doc” is a program that brings together medical students (future docs!) with community members for walks in shared green spaces and conversation about health and more. The goals of “Walk with a Future Doctor” are two-fold: first, to deepen the connection between medical students, who are often transplants into the area, and the community in which we live and work. The conversations at the center of the WWFD program will not only initiate discussions about health and disease, but also help us to understand the interests, worries, and priorities of the community members who join us. Second, WWAFD is a way for each of us to share the joy of being outside and active with our wider community, and in doing so, provide a safe and supportive environment for everyone involved to take steps toward a healthier lifestyle.
Contact: Caleb Diaz and Jai Daniels
Faculty Advisor: Charles German, MD, Department of Cardiology
Washington Park is a free pediatric health clinic run by a 12 member student board and advised by a steering committee comprised of attending physicians, past board members, and community leaders. We seek to improve the Washington Park community’s access to medical and health-related care by providing acute medical care, social services, and referrals to longitudinal care providers. We seek to broaden opportunities for medical and social service students to learn about health care in a medically underserved community.
To learn more, please visit the Washington Park Free Clinic website.
Email contact:
Contact: Amrita Rehal and Alp Koksal
Faculty Advisor: Icy Cade-Bell, MD, Pediatrics
We are the official student arm of the UChicago Medicine Women Surgeons Committee. As a chapter our mission is to promote women and diversity, establish cross-surgical specialty mentorship opportunities, and create a community for backing and promotion. The WSC welcomes women-identifying, femme-identifying and non-binary students to provide a network of resources and support.
Contact: Ashley Gordon and Grace Croley
Faculty Advisor: Mary Qiu, MD, Department of Opthalmology and Visual Science