While external dissemination is not an S&D requirement, we hope and anticipate that many students will have the opportunity to share information from their projects through publications, posters, and/or oral presentations. In thinking about potential venues for publication, you might consider the top journals for physicians-in-training. The blog Academic Life in Emergency Medicine has a template for writing a successful journal manuscript.
In certain Tracks, more innovative forms of scholarly dissemination are strongly encouraged. Some examples of these non-traditional forms of sharing knowledge include the creation of video, internet resources, or policy narratives, among many others!
Student-Oriented Research Poster Sessions
Looking for meetings that cater to student projects in a wide area of domains, covering any of the S&D Tracks? The following list includes some conferences that try that sponsor large student-only posters sessions. Please remember that your mentor is the best person to ask about conference opportunies. Note that while mentors often encourage students to submit to professional specialty society conferences, this list does not include any of these meetings.
Students are eligible for up to $500 toward conference travel funding support per academic year. To be considered for travel funding support, please complete the Student Travel Funding Support Form. Although Pritzker cannot guarantee that every student will be funded, nor that the general allocation will cover the entire travel expense and program fees, Pritzker's goal is to provide funding relief to as many students as possible. Given that conference travel funding support is limited, be sure to discuss with your mentor which conferences may be most beneficial for you to attend.
myCHOICE Travel Award:
The myCHOICE Travel Award is designed to help trainees attend professional development conferences and workshops. The award (for a maximum of $500) is open to applications at any point in the year. The myCHOICE Travel Award is restricted to payment for registration fees, travel, and/or accommodations associated with professional development conferences. Once awarded, the funds are not transferrable to travel to another conference. This funding will not be awarded to attend an academic conference.
Please use the link below to obtain more information and apply:
American College of Physicians (ACP) National Abstract Competition
May 3 - 7, 2021, Virtual
Abstract Submission Deadline: December 7, 2020 (10:59 PM CST)
The ACP National Abstract Competition is a part of the Internal Medicine Meeting 2018, ACP’s annual scientific meeting. All first authors must be ACP Resident/Fellow Members or ACP Medical Student Members in good standing to submit an abstract. If you are not an ACP member, you can join online. First authors of any abstract chosen as a winner in any competition must be prepared to give an oral or poster presentation of their work at the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting. Authors chosen as finalists in the Poster Division of any competitions must set up their posters and be on site for the poster judging session.
AAP/ASCI/APSA Joint Meeting
April 9-11, 2021 in Chicago, IL
Abstract Submission Deadline: January 4, 2021 (11:59 PM EST)
The Association of American Physicians (AAP), the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI), and the American Physician-Scientists Association (APSA) host a Joint Meeting annually to provide exposure to leaders in academic medicine and industry. In 2018, the keynote speakers will focus on human genetics and healthy longevity. The vast majority of poster presenters are students in the physician-scientist career path (MD/PhD programs or MD students in a research year) or early career physician-scientists. Work presented spans the range of medical specialties and biomedicine. A small number of top scoring abstracts will be chosen for an oral presentation.
American Medical Association (AMA) Research Symposium
November 10, 2017 in Honolulu, HI
Abstract Submission Deadline: August 9, 2017 (12:01am CST)
The American Medical Association Research Symposium is hosted annually by the AMA Medical Student Section, the AMA Resident and Fellow Section and the AMA International Medical Graduates Section. All medical students (including medical students enrolled in joint degree programs, e.g., MD/PhD, MD/MPH, etc.), residents, fellows and international medical graduates (ECFMG-certified candidates who are awaiting residency) members of the AMA are invited to submit abstracts of their scientific research.
American Medical Student Association (AMSA) Convention & Exposition
March 6 - 8, 2021, Location: TBD
Abstract submissions accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed on October 1, November 1, December 1, and January 1
The 23rd Annual AMSA Project, Research, and Experience Exhibition selection committee invites you to submit your abstracts for considerations to be included in the Share Your Story! exhibition. This is your opportunity to show and share your work on a wide range of issues and in diverse contexts. In order to be eligible to submit a project abstract for consideration, you must hold a valid AMSA membership. Projects may be complete - with data, results, and conclusions - or in process/not complete. If your project abstract is nominated for exhibition, your project will be displayed only if you register for and attend the Convention.
American Medical Women's Association (AMWA) - Student Poster Presentations
March 23 - 25, 2018 in Philadelphia, PA
Abstract Submission Deadline: November 17, 2017
Student Poster Presentations are often the highlight of the AMWA conferences for students, residents and physicians alike. Abstract submissions are currently being accepted for the AMWA 103rd Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, March 23 - 25, 2018! The deadline is November 17, 2017 for all divisions (student, resident and physician). Three student abstracts will be selected to give oral presentations on Saturday, March 24.
The Center for Healthcare Delivery Science and Innovation offers a unique competitive award program to help defray the cost of travel and registration fees for trainees (residents, fellows, pharmacy, social work, and others), nurses or other healthcare professionals who wish to present best practice from delivering innovative care at a national symposium. All applicants must be affiliated with the University of Chicago or University of Chicago Medicine. Travel Grant recipients are awarded up to $1000 to offset the cost of registration, poster development and/or travel expenses. Awardees are acknowledged at the Center for Healthcare Delivery Science & Innovation’s annual Quality & Safety Symposium.
Minimum Project Criteria
- Must be a completed project
- Contains a method to judge success of the project through metrics and outcomes
- Ideally innovative in nature.
This grant is awarded 4 times per year
You can apply and learn more information here: https://hdsi.uchicago.edu/travel-grants/
Combined Annual Meeting of CSCTR and MWAFMR
April 12-16, Virtual
Abstract Submission Deadline: January 31, 2021 (11:59 PM CST)
The leadership of the Central Society for Clinical and Translational Research (CSCTR) and the Midwestern Section of the American Federation for Medical Research (MWAFMR) invite you to participate in the Combined Annual Meeting. The Combined Annual Meeting has a rich annual tradition of providing a forum for young investigators, fellows and associate/assistant professors to present their research to leaders in their fields. This is one of the few multi-specialty meetings with a broad focus where the attendees can learn about research techniques used in other medical specialties and apply those techniques to their own research. Abstract and Informative Case Report submission is open to physician-scientists, research scientists, clinicians and medical education professionals.
Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) Midwest
October 22-23 2020
Abstract Submission Deadline: TBA
Please see website for details.
Unite for Sight Global Health & Innovation Conference
April 8-11, 2021, Virtual
Abstract Submission Deadline: November 15, 2020
The Global Health & Innovation Conference (#GHIC) is the world's leading and largest global health conference as well as the largest social entrepreneurship conference, with nearly 2,000 professionals and students from all 50 states and more than 55 countries. This must-attend, thought-leading conference convenes leaders, change makers, and participants from all sectors of global health, international development, and social entrepreneurship.
UTMB National Student Research Forum
Date and Location TBD, please see website for details
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 15, 2021
The National Student Research Forum is held annually on the University of Texas Medical Branch campus in Galveston, TX. The National Student Research Forum is organized and run by students for the discussion of student research papers in a scientific atmosphere.